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We 2nd Opinion Everything!
Books, taxes, operations, marketing & more!

Feel like you’re paying too much tax? Get a DETAXTM

If you feel like you work hard and tax bill comes as a surprise, get a DETAXTM, our Signature 2nd opinion on your taxes.

Traditional accountants rarely have a few minutes to spare to look for efficiencies. While as a tax strategist I look for missed opportunities so you can be confident that you're paying the least amount of tax, legally.

You don't have to leave your current CPA! 

ONLY $997 for a review, meet & a report!


Price is the fastest way to raise profit.

So why are you so afraid to raise prices? Or to review/restructure how you price?

When i started my accounting practice, I asked a mentor "How much should I charge?" He said "Come up with an hourly rate, estimate the number of hours it will take you, and there you go!" That's TERRIBLE advice. Apple doesn't care what its competitors charge, so why should you?
Stop giving away your value!

Not sure if you're really making as much as you think you're making on projects? If your price is right? Answer this question: do you want to work less and make more? If you say "yes!" - our price development (both from scratch & redesigned current pricing) is the product for you!


Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita.

New Program

Are They Buying What You're Pitching?

Did you know that only at any given moment 3% of people are in an active "buying" mode for your product/service? This means that pitching and advertising is useless for 97% of the viewers! What none of your competitors do is nurture those who are at other stages of your buyer's journey the conversation in your prospect's mind, engage them with a solution they want, educate them on the subject and make them an offer they can’t refuse!
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New Program

Tired of guessing if your books are right?

We now have a service where we can provide a 2nd opinion review of your bookkeeping. As an accountant, you cannot always see mistakes right away, sometimes it takes years to uncover a big one. And what is there to say about you as a business owner? It may seem that "it's all nice and good" but you cannot even dig deeper - you simply don't know how to do it. This is a one-time review by me personally.
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New Program

Can't find or retain good talent?

Does your company really have culture?  
Taking someone to lunch once a month does NOT build culture...
What does it take to build culture? It starts with a leader and a decision to build a business that changes lives, including the lives of your employees and your own. Even with that attitude, you still need help. Invite me to help you build a company culture that makes your employees proud to work with you.

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